Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Pediatric Pulmonology

Resources and Education

What is childhood asthma?
Asthma is a disease that affects the lungs. It is one of the most common long-term diseases of children. It causes repeated episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and nighttime or early morning coughing. An asthma attack happens in airways, which are the paths that carry air to your lungs. As the air moves through the lungs, the airways become smaller, like the branches of a tree are smaller than the tree trunk. During an asthma attack, the sides of the airways swell and the airways shrink along with mucus production that clogs up the airways even more. An asthma attack can occur when exposed to things in the environment, such as pollen, house dust mites and tobacco smoke. Since asthma cannot be cured, the goal of asthma treatment is to control the disease to help you maintain the normal activity and sleep through the night.

What is exercise induced asthma?
Exercise-induced asthma is a medical condition characterized by shortness of breath induced by sustained aerobic exercise. Its underlying pathogenesis is poorly understood. The child will likely be short of breath and/or coughing, with an elevated respiratory rate and wheezing. The evaluation will almost certainly include tests of how well you can breathe at rest and may include tests during exertion. These tests are done at rest, after six to eight minutes of exercise, and then at regular intervals until at least 30 minutes after you have stopped exercising. The most common medication approach is to use a beta agonist about twenty minutes before exercise

What is cystic fibrosis?
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disorder that particularly affects the lungs and digestive system and makes kids who have it more vulnerable to repeated lung infections. Normally, mucus in the lungs traps germs, which are then cleared out of the lungs. But in CF, the thick, sticky mucus and the germs it has trapped remain in the lungs, which become infected. A blood test is available to help detect CF. The test looks for variations in a gene known to cause the disease. Other tests use to diagnose CF include: Immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT) test is a standard newborn screening test and Sweat chloride test is the standard diagnostic test for CF. A high salt level in the patient's sweat is a sign of the disease. An early diagnosis of CF and a comprehensive treatment plan can improve both survival and quality of life. Follow-up and monitoring are very important.

What is RSV- bronchiolitis?
Bronchiolitis is a lung infection usually caused by the respiratory syncytial virus. which produces swelling and mucus production in the small breathing tubes of your child's lungs. Infections are most common during the winter. They often just develop symptoms of a common cold, such as a runny nose and mild cough. This may progress to fever, wheezing and difficulty breathing. There is no cure for bronchiolitis, although some children do improve with breathing treatments with Albuterol nebulizer solution

What is sleep apnea?
Sleep apnea is a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep. This results in poor sleep quality that makes you tired during the day. Sleep apnea is one of the leading causes of excessive daytime sleepiness. Most people who have sleep apnea don't know they have it because it only occurs during sleep. A sleep study is the most accurate test for diagnosing sleep apnea. It records what happens with your breathing while you sleep. The goals of treating sleep apnea are to: Restore regular breathing during sleep and relieve symptoms such as loud snoring and daytime sleepiness.


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